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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hey... Its post 6.

It's time for post 6, again.

I am posting this while I patiently await the pictures for the next post to arrive.
In the meantime I am also attempting to get some disclaimers sent to me to make sure that I don't get any cease and desist letters and emails. That is pretty much it for now.
In the next post you will see what painting your Destroyer in pieces is like ( before you have to do it yourselves).
That and more pictures as is standard. And more members of the group, to turn them into celebrities.

And, just because Post 6 doesn't have enough pictures here are a few images pilfered, legally, from the Privateer Press site of upcoming releases. 
 This be the Ragman. I like the way it looks as both sculpt and studio paint remind me of Brian Snoddi's art style. For examples I will reffer you to the Mk 1 Prime and Primal rules books, and some old Magic cards.
And this is the alternate version of Kaya. For those who haven't seen her. I might paint her as well, when she is released on the street.
Well that is it for now.
I will be posting again when i finish processing the pictures that will be posted.

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